
Spiritual healing through music.

What is the human mind? Mind is an aggregate of all life experiences be it pain, pleasure, hurt, anger, joy, anxiety; it could be anything. The mind and body are connected. The human mind is not only housed in the brain as per the normal thoughts, mind is present everywhere and therefore in every cell of the body. Any positive emotion causes a cell to vibrate at a higher frequency and negative vibrations cause the cells to vibrate at lower frequency. The negative emotion is nothing but an incompletely experienced emotion. These emotions when stored in the cells of the body are the diseases. We have read the experiences of saints where they tell how every cell of their bodies are filled with the emotions of love and spirit whenever they had praised the Supreme Light(power).

People who have experienced the divine in their personal life and have sung bhajans(holy songs) in full emotion and freedom have experienced perfect joy and oneness with the Supreme Consciousness. And one would find them moving into perfect joy, as experiencing any hidden emotion within, completely releases that emotion. The result is the actual healing of the mind and the body.

A complete healing of mind and body would occur, when you deal with the disease and not just the symptoms of the disease. Dealing with the disease here means, experiencing the emotion completely, whereby it converts into joy, leading to a very sound mental and physical health.
With the help of this experience, one leads a happy and a satisfied life.
From the ancient times, music is something that has put people, in touch with their inner most feelings. Different kind of music works upon different emotions of an individual, and releases the various incomplete emotions leading towards a total healing of body and mind. Music is the easiest way to experience total liberation(set free).

Participants experience various states of repentance, prayer, silence, love, compassion, brotherhood and oneness during the course of the sankeerans, bhajans nd soul touching music. This divine communion free them from all their suffering and transports them into heights of pleasure. Even the greatest of teachings make their way into the hearts of the devotees when taught through the medium of music(bhajans). Forgiveness and love are natural happenings during the sankeertans. People dance and sing in joyful abandon, and pain becomes a thing of the past as they are filled with divine love.


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