
Krishna and Spirituality

Gaining knowledge of vedas, keeping fast, organising pooja & havan sounds goods but they are temporary means to bind god to your life. In all these we invite god for some time like guest and then he goes away. These all things are temporary and boring in nature. It is like living your life with rules and regulations without any fun and love from which we all how boring life would be.

The one and only to bind yourself with Krishna is when you completely surrender yourself to fall in love with him. Complete surrender doesn’t mean that you break all your relationships with your parent, wife or children and go to temple for forever as explained above. It simply means that you should fulfil your duties, submitting all your karma to lord Krishna and always think Krishna is you goal, Krishna is your ultimate love. Krishna is the one and only person who will always be there with you regardless of your situation. Thinking about the different leelas of Krishna, fills my heart with love which is boundless, cost less and eternal in nature. There are so many different leela of lord Krishna which let you feel the true happiness which is time proof and increases when you spread among others which is absolutely not true in case of worldly relationships.


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