These points of view are something of 'an easy solution'. If we have some fixed prospect then there is no need anymore to think about it. The concept of 'heaven' and 'hell' as static states is a bit childish and humerous. Nature and science thoeries shows that everything is in a constant change (motion). Change is the essence of life. Everywhere in nature we can observe the play of opposites: day and night, sleeping and waking, life and death, etc. Regarding the pairs of opposites we note that everything has the possibility to pass into its opposite state.
Every pair of opposites has transitionary (passing or change from one place,state,condition etc to another) forms, e.g. good and bad, getting better and getting worse. Night comes forth out of day via twilight, and day comes forth out of night via dawn.
If this applies to all pairs of opposites then the question arises whether life and death are also such a pair of opposites. If so, then it would be logical that there are transitionary and convertable states for life and death too. Death is certainly opposite to life, so let's start searching for transitionary states. One gets into life through birth. One gets into the state of death by dying. One can only die because one lives now. Analogous, one can only get into life because one has been dead before.
The key question is what is it exactly that is going through these changing states?
Answer: it is soul and consciousness.
Man is conscious, and specifically gifted with the power of reflection, thinking. The personality (physical things) is a temporary vehicle builded by the real human in order to express itself on the outer planes of life. The higher levels of thinking can be brought on this outer planes too, thereby providing the means of
verifying the truth of conversion.
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