
What do you get from spirituality?

There number of benefits to spirituality as it applies to healing emotional problems. I has listed a number of benefits that are gained through spirituality. These are:

Safety and Security

Through developing a connection with God, you gain security through the conviction that you are not all alone in the universe, even at those times when you feel separated from other people. You feel increasingly safe as you come to believe that there is a source you can always turn to in times of difficulty.


As you develop a relationship with God, you come to realize that he has created you and hence he has found something good in you. You are part of the universe. You're good, lovable, and worthy of respect just by virtue of the fact that you're God’s creation. This realization can improve the way you look at yourself and will help you to improve your ego and what you think of yourself.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is the result of feeling a deep sense of security and safety. The more trust you develop in God, the easier it becomes to deal without fear or worry with the challenges life brings.You simply learn that you can "let go" and turn to God when you feel stuck with a problem in living and don't know how to proceed.

Give and Receive Unconditional Love

The most fundamental characteristic of God is that it offers you an experience of unconditional love. This is a kind of love which differs from romantic love or even ordinary friendship. It entails an absolute caring for the welfare of another without any preconditions. That is, no matter how another person appears or acts, you have compassion and care for them without judgment. As you develop a deeper connection with God, you come to experience greater degrees of unconditional love in your life. You feel your heart opening more easily to people and their concerns.


Developing a relationship with God will provide you with guidance for making decisions and solving problems. God has a universal wisdom that goes beyond what you can accomplish through your own intellect.Through connecting with God, you can draw upon this greater wisdom to help you resolve all kinds of difficulties. By learning to ask God for guidance, you'll be surprised to find that every sincere request sooner or later is answered. And the quality of that answer generally exceeds what you could have figured out through your own conscious intellect or will.


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