Being Single.
Spiritual Unconditional Love.
Gandhi to us.
“Just as the body cannot exist without blood, so the soul needs the matchless and pure strength of faith.”
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”
“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.”
“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected.”
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.”
“Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct understanding.”
“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.”
“One must be the change one wishes to see in the world.”
Spiritual Growth.
Spirituality means
Thank you God for what we have
I met with an accident and broke my spine. Life became totally dependent on the other peoples for everything I felt miserable - I became frustrated.
What do you get from spirituality?
There number of benefits to spirituality as it applies to healing emotional problems. I has listed a number of benefits that are gained through spirituality. These are:
Nature and spirituality
It is impossible for anyone to take a walk in the nature alone and not feel the presence of God in my opinion. The easiest way to get back in touch with this presence that I'm calling God and, is through the serenity of nature. For me, it's always been apparent while standing on the peak of a hill. For you, maybe it's flowing river. For someone else it might be walking in a green park. The point is that nature and spirituality are forever connected.
What happens after death?
These points of view are something of 'an easy solution'. If we have some fixed prospect then there is no need anymore to think about it. The concept of 'heaven' and 'hell' as static states is a bit childish and humerous. Nature and science thoeries shows that everything is in a constant change (motion). Change is the essence of life. Everywhere in nature we can observe the play of opposites: day and night, sleeping and waking, life and death, etc. Regarding the pairs of opposites we note that everything has the possibility to pass into its opposite state.
Every pair of opposites has transitionary (passing or change from one place,state,condition etc to another) forms, e.g. good and bad, getting better and getting worse. Night comes forth out of day via twilight, and day comes forth out of night via dawn.
If this applies to all pairs of opposites then the question arises whether life and death are also such a pair of opposites. If so, then it would be logical that there are transitionary and convertable states for life and death too. Death is certainly opposite to life, so let's start searching for transitionary states. One gets into life through birth. One gets into the state of death by dying. One can only die because one lives now. Analogous, one can only get into life because one has been dead before.
The key question is what is it exactly that is going through these changing states?
Answer: it is soul and consciousness.
Man is conscious, and specifically gifted with the power of reflection, thinking. The personality (physical things) is a temporary vehicle builded by the real human in order to express itself on the outer planes of life. The higher levels of thinking can be brought on this outer planes too, thereby providing the means of
verifying the truth of conversion.
What is the exact purpose of our life?
I have asked this question many times already and have come up with several answers. I am here to help others, I am here to learn from my mistakes, and I am here to be kind to the people I interact with. Other answers include, I am here to do selfless service, to give love and receive in return, and to make this world a better place. All of these answers are reasonable and noble but they always left me with a feeling that there was still something missing.
How to create a effective relationship with God?
Follow these guidelines for an effective relationship with God:
- Be quiet, patient, and open before God
- Be confident that he will communicate his wishes and help you execute them.
- Do not tempt God or make terms with Him. Gandhi said, "Not until we have reduced ourselves to nothingness, can we conquer the evil in us. God demands nothing less than complete self-surrender as the price for the only real freedom that is worth having. And when a man thus loses himself, he immediately finds himself in the service of all that lives. It becomes his delight and his recreation."
- Be willing to accept what God provides. He knows best. "Thy will, not mine, be done." Have full trust in the wisdom of God.
- Ask for God’s help. Do not instruct him on what to do.
- Let God speak to you through his Word. Read spiritual and religious books such as the Bible and learn about the rules of victorious living.
These are some of the characteristics that define a close relationship with God. All of them can significantly contribute to your personal healing process. The extent and sincerity of your commitment will determine the degree of personal healing you experience.
Krishna and Spirituality
Gaining knowledge of vedas, keeping fast, organising pooja & havan sounds goods but they are temporary means to bind god to your life. In all these we invite god for some time like guest and then he goes away. These all things are temporary and boring in nature. It is like living your life with rules and regulations without any fun and love from which we all how boring life would be.
The one and only to bind yourself with Krishna is when you completely surrender yourself to fall in love with him. Complete surrender doesn’t mean that you break all your relationships with your parent, wife or children and go to temple for forever as explained above. It simply means that you should fulfil your duties, submitting all your karma to lord Krishna and always think Krishna is you goal, Krishna is your ultimate love. Krishna is the one and only person who will always be there with you regardless of your situation. Thinking about the different leelas of Krishna, fills my heart with love which is boundless, cost less and eternal in nature. There are so many different leela of lord Krishna which let you feel the true happiness which is time proof and increases when you spread among others which is absolutely not true in case of worldly relationships.
Spiritual healing through music.
People who have experienced the divine in their personal life and have sung bhajans(holy songs) in full emotion and freedom have experienced perfect joy and oneness with the Supreme Consciousness. And one would find them moving into perfect joy, as experiencing any hidden emotion within, completely releases that emotion. The result is the actual healing of the mind and the body.
A complete healing of mind and body would occur, when you deal with the disease and not just the symptoms of the disease. Dealing with the disease here means, experiencing the emotion completely, whereby it converts into joy, leading to a very sound mental and physical health.
With the help of this experience, one leads a happy and a satisfied life.
Participants experience various states of repentance, prayer, silence, love, compassion, brotherhood and oneness during the course of the sankeerans, bhajans nd soul touching music. This divine communion free them from all their suffering and transports them into heights of pleasure. Even the greatest of teachings make their way into the hearts of the devotees when taught through the medium of music(bhajans). Forgiveness and love are natural happenings during the sankeertans. People dance and sing in joyful abandon, and pain becomes a thing of the past as they are filled with divine love.